Saturday, December 31, 2016

Report Card 2016 - They Year of Suck

Primary: Have and use a gym membership the majority of the days of 2016.
Secondary: Lose 20 lbs after first weighing of 2016.
Tertiary: Blood Mastery

Primary: Complete a Short Film
B- (multiple scripts)
Secondary: Do two "Core" Tech projects plus 6 minor projects towards "Tech Mastery"
B (Work took up most of these)
Tertiary:  Complete at least 5 sculpture projects, each of increasing skill

Primary: Be in a play or audition for at least 5
Secondary: Find a long term political organization I can join and actively support
A effort, F result
Tertiary: Join a local literary group or writer's circle.

First Life
Complete Dads
A for effort

Second Life
Complete physical book for Spiders in the Sugar Factory

Third Life
Be in one play or audition in five.
Total fail

Fourth Life
40 hours of research to find project 2 and join the appropriate Org
B  (finding an org is harder than thought - still no project )

Fifth Life
Step up the stars

Sixth Life
Start the blog

Write 25000 words per month
Complete Julia's Novella (20K)
Finish Spiders in the Sugar Factory
Actively Keep the Blog Active
Actively Keep the Podcast Active
Attend Timegate w. Sentinel Crew
Visit Paris
Visit a Caribbean Island
Visit w Mom and Skip at Least Once
Find a Journalistic App
Complete Outline for Cults within Cults
Complete Forever West physical book
Complete Audobook for
Couple Goals: (In no particular order)
1) Get to Duo Linguo 100% together in Spanish
2) Become Parents
3) Take a Dance Class together
4) Eliminate 70% of our Credit Card Debt
C+ (Got rid of all smaller debts)
5) Establish Reserves at Proper levels
6) Furnish the Apartment
7) Visit Paris

Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
2. Travel around the world on a one way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2021. Egypt and London are now Exempt.  This is a highly unrealistic goal.
3. Learn a martial art.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on lyrics written by me.
Likely dependent on 7.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
Slated 2025
8. Sculpt something memorable.
2019.  I am starting this year to learn the skill.  It will take at LEAST three years to get this.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Completed. [And also permanently dead :( ]
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**6 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
Slated 2018
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.)
2017. Help.
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage) Bumped to 2026.
18. Have a room with a secret passage
2017. (If I don't do this year it goes to the fail bucket)
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
Do in 2017-2018
26. Identify and Create Life Goal for Live 5
27. Ditto the sixth.
Tangible goal based on investigations due by end of 2017.
28. Ditto the seventh.
**Kept in reserve until 2027.
47. Finish 7 films. (3 out of 7 completed).
48. Enter a remote controlled airplane/aircraft tournament and place in the upper half.
49. Enter a competitive Kite contest (the kind with the razors on the wings.)
50. Blow something up with Dynamite. (Legally)
52. Hypnotize someone.
Completed 2013.
53. Firewalk.
54. Visit the Library of Congress Maybe 2015?
55. Complete 7 Projects of Significance. [1 of 7 done.]
1. Finding Joe screening.
2. ?????
56. Complete 7 Levels of Understanding.
1. Remember the
2. Frieeeend??
3. You're a Hairy
4. In progress

Longshots (at the time I made the bucket list)
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
46. Become a Father.

Bucket List (the Bucket in the Bucket….IE, I no longer care about this but might change my mind.)
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
6. Start a successful business.
Started in 2011. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
Not looking good on this one...
51. Join the Masons
45. Own and that is entirely self-sufficient w. energy, food and other items.  (wtf is this?)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Just Got In

Exhausted.  Will include more details later but the hotel is gorgeous and our taxi driver very friendly ...and expensive.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Letters to Grandma

Hi Grandma,

Hope all goes well.  I still have yet to figure out a way to have these printed and sent to you besides just printing these out.  We're really looking forward to our trip to Paris next week.  It should be nice.  Did you know that Sunrise doesn't have a FAX number? How weird is that.  I've sent you two books, one is the Cats of Ungthar, by HP Lovecraft. It's about some people that are mean to Cats, but the cats are mean back.  That reminds me of a time that Mom sent me a tshirt that says I support the right to Arm Bears, though by 'send' I mean 'hand' since this was before her addiction to tfury where she just sent me stuff.  I tried a website that lets you copy and paste email but they want like a prepaid deposit of $10 and it just...seems dodgy.  I don't trust them.  The other night we had coldcuts for dinner, it was quite good.  The other book I'm sending you is called "Garfield without Garfield" which is still technically about a cat but its funny because the cat isn't there. I know you like garfield since you pointed him out a few times on the comics (in the comics) when we lived together. This is funny because it is garfield without garfield (hence the name) but it has Jon (garfields owner) who looks like he is talking to thin air.  Apparently this was so funny that the guy who draws the comic took it from a website and then did it himself so he could actually make money off of it.  What do you think about politics this year? Pretty crazy, huh? Speaking of crazy, I'm not.  I swear I'm not.  No really. I swear it. i'm not going insane.  There are no bats in my brain.  Or in the crawlspace above where I work. I did not put them there. I like HP lovecraft. He talks about insanity a lot.  Did I mention I got cut off from facebook? Its ok.  I'm OK.  Facebook is this website where you have to put your face in a book and then shut it as hard as you can.  No, you know what facebook is. I'm sure mom and skip have mentioned it.  But they don't let you use aliases there so when I used an alias there someone reported me and then I lost my fake facebook account.  So people don't know I exist.  Its a shame people don't know I'm real.  But I'm handling it OK.  I really am.  Do you know what stream of concieciousness is? I know I do.  I'm assuming you do because you were a librarian.  I mean I know you were a naval librarian but I think that they probably had fiction in the naval library. At least some of the officers reports was fictional. Am I right? :D :D: D: D: :D That is a smiley face because I took a : and a D and if you turn it sideways you can totally see a smile.


Love you

Have a great afternoon.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Letter to Grandma

Hi grandma it's been a really busy week. Oh, Who am I kidding, it's been a really busy month. I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote you, but I have a new toy that you help me do that a lot better. I have a new phone, which uses Google's interactive voice control, I go mom really busy week. All, who my kidding, it's been really busy month. I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote you but I have a new toy did you tell me do that lot better. I have a new phone, interactive so I'm literally dictating this empty inside the computer as I drive home.

We are slowly settling into our new apartment. It's been a lot of work though. Julia family visited us after we got all set in it was very nice. I need a couple of different restaurants, including a very nice French place. Mainly, we just spent a lot of time on the beach. I have to tell you that probably the nicest part about living in Miami is the fact that it's very nice weather here almost all the time. Go, Julia still gets a little bit depressed on cloudy days. Don't tell her I told you that. Although to be honest, I am posting this on a blog that I figure our children might theoretically eventually read. That's not a big announcement, we just trying, but I'm pretty sure we already told you that when we visited last November.

A friend of Julia by the name of Kelly, is helping me with my writing. It's a bit difficult to explain in terms that isn't really arcane, but what you say it's helping me a lot be able to get some reading done which is a good thing. Very soon I'm going to start submitting short stories again to magazines and writing more on my blog. And that's very nice since I've been running a long time without really doing anything with a lot of the things that I've been writing. Not that I expect it be super famous anytime soon, but it's nice to know that something is going to be done with what I'm writing.
New line

I'm half tempted to send this to you raw since you as you can see from the way it writes things it's still a little bit stupid. Occasionally it posts exactly what I'm saying so for example to get a

You say the word NEW and then the word line in fact sometimes the word paragraph together make what is supposed to be the next thing you see gosh I can't even think of how to say this so I'll just leave it as it is I'm sure it would probably amuse you so what you say it's literally typing what I'm saying and leave it at that. Normally I'm not a fan of the oh I need to remember to write more next time I considered a waste of time. In fact, when I read some of the old material that Julia had at some of the Ark of his classes it was amazing how much of these old priceless historical documents are about people talking about the need to produce more priceless historical documents. I certainly know in my old journal, that a lot of what I wrote was about the need to write more in my journal. But in this case I'm talking about the method by which I'll be writing you more in the future so I guess it's somewhat relevant I'll be basically copying and pasting what I have written here cleaning it up in the future after this particular one and then sending it to you once a week so that you can find out how Julia and I are doing. We still have to hang up pictures, and we have a few boxes down cover but we're about 90% of the way there. We also have to get a queen size frame for our bed since the old one was falling apart we left it behind in Charlotte.

A friend of ours, Wayne, gave us his old plasma TV. And we're also getting something called a Kindle Fire stick. And well I know you're very intelligent, that pretty much I'm sure sound something along the lines of the wizard picked up the wand and cast a magic spell to summon the ferry. I was supposed to be a fairy with wings not a fairy that carries people across the ocean. Well anyway as you can see there are some problems with this so in the future I'll have to correct it in but I'm sure this time it will give you some amount of amusement. Anyway the reason I mention that is because it's a very nice and neat way to watch a lot of shows and that's one of the things that really and I do a lot together. It's something that we have in common with you and Mom and skip.
New line
Right now the main things are watching together or a show called the wire which is about the drug wars in the 1990s and the futility thereof and how complicated and shades of grey a lot of these characters were. It's an award winning drama and we like it. The other show we're watching is called the Americans with AK even though I know there's no way that this thing is going to spell it like that. It's basically about a pair of spies that we're under deep cover in the 1980s. It's fascinating to see us looking back now and what we considered important then in what we consider important now and more interesting LeAnn importantly in the, how what we consider now shades what we considered important then so we get a chance here in the future to have a net word in edgewise even wear more doing something about the past. It reminds me of a story I wrote called Mr hamburger about a guy who's in the future and it's just for having eating hamburgers. The story really isn't about his journey to the future, it's about how we in the present often judge people in the past entirely out of context. To be honest when I think about it it almost makes me not want to care about what future generations think, because they're going to think whatever the heck they want anyway no matter what I do. The last show we're watching is called Gotham and it's basically about the years of before Batman became the Batman which I know you don't read a lot of comics so I know you know that there's a guy called Batman and Commissioner Gordon works with them in this article about that but we like it. Paragraph new on

Good lord, sometimes I wonder if this technology is even worth it. Well just kidding, obviously it is otherwise I wouldn't be using it. Still, as you can see it's far from perfect. Alright well I'm going to get more details a week from now I love you very much I hope you are as well as possible and are working with your therapist so that you can be mobile and very happy. I hope to see you this July. Love your grandson tom

Friday, February 5, 2016

Is this the first introspection day

Or is it the second?

What's introspection day?

A recent betrayal after a lifetime of love and effort at keeping open arms forced me to embrace introspection.  Not only for myself in terms of "Do I really want to keep doing this?" (answer 'Yes' but not to people who say I never did, and who coincidentally are disgusting liars and chameleons of the lowest possible denominator) but also "God, how do I avoid ever EVER having my head so far up my own as as that person" and hopefully teach my children (if we can have them) and every generation after?

So the best I could come up with.

I think a holiday works best if its a bit of fun and a bit practical.  Halloween lets you be anyone you want and you get loot n candy.

But what's fun about introspection? I mean I personally found a way that is loads of fun, but that wont work so well for others.  Still working on it.  Practically, I am just making it the date my goal plans are due, and that was just like Feb 1 plus four more days, so great.

But I also added one extra bit.  I force myself to examine at least one believe that I consider core to my being and look at it as freshly as I can.

Case in point, now that I'm not Christian and not even Monotheist, is Forgiveness good?  Well, I mean there is the whole 'unburden the soul' and I agree, making things personal is just toxic, but there is (to me) no great score keeper who gives me a bigger mansion cause I turned the other cheek.

So this 'not forgetting but forgiving' thing needs a bit of work.  I think it is possible to dump the baggage associated with carrying a grudge whilst still having consequences for evil actions.  That's not 'not forgetting' nor is it 'never forgiving' it is just establishing a set of circumstances that are a result of consequences of actions.

But what about actual forgiving?

Well it feels good, grant you that, especially if the person actually wants to be forgiven.  But have you ever forgiven someone and watched em turn around and do the same thing over? God that sucks.  It makes you so mad.

Now if you don't believe someone has the right to judge you just because they are more powerful than you or they 'created' you, then that makes mandatory forgiveness kinda...hard.  Plus? Feels good.  Negative? Potential disappointment.

Nuanced you say? Absolutely.  But doesn't that then make forgiveness a subjective and at the same time reasoned endevor? Will they 'repent'? Will they do it again? Do they acknowledge that they were wrong and AGREE with why they were wrong?

I mean, let's be clear.

There's 'get over it'...everyone should do that every day.  God, we carry too much of our own baggage and just need to let it go.  The "four agreements" book about not taking things Personally is a good idea (most of the time).

Forgiveness is something else.

It's your own personal presidential pardon.  I mean, if you are doing it, you aren't 'getting over it' you are wiping the slate clean.  I've done that with some friends.  A few of which screwed me over royally, didn't even know, didn't even care, but I forgave em.  Glad I did.  Would I now? Yes.  Because they changed.  Because they developed moral complexity, and because I did too and am less of a judgemental bastard than I was.

But that doesn't convince me that forgiveness for everything, even a 'most things' level and not a 'insane stupid ludicrous moron level argument' style thing.

So playing devil's advocate FOR forgiveness as blanket policy....I'm drawing a blank.

So I introspected and (surprise surprise) have exactly the same policy I did before but actually am glad I did it because I have considered the subtle nuances between 'getting over it' and actual forgiveness and when or why you should do either.  You should generally forgive friends and family you want around you in the long term if it is worth it.  You don't have to forgive generic fucktards who aren't worth your time and will never change.

That was fun.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

[Introspection Day] Goals 11-15

Tertiary: Blood Mastery (11)

Grr.  Grumble.  Will be tracking once I unpack the demonic little thing and will measure at least twice a week after I establish a  baseline.  The goal will based on whatever the doc sets.

Tertiary:  Complete at least 5 sculpture projects, each of increasing skill (12)

I am in this for the long haul and while I think I will do the first of these around July, I will mainly focus on this after the film is done.

Be in one play or audition in five. (13)

Also October.  Let's get the movie done.

Actively Keep the Blog Active (14)
This really means TGAW.  Let's say at least three posts a week.  So far we're doing more like....what...5-6?

Complete Outline for Cults within Cults (15)
This actually lets me do the aove  So I think we'll start this after Paris.  Let's see if I pick up any interesting ideas travelling abroad.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

[Introspection Day] Goals 6-10

Finish Spiders in the Sugar Factory (6)

I'll be doing this from July to October.  It gives Todd an extra few months to see if he is doing the core icon or not, and it also lets me finish the physical book of Forever West (Just a lingering TC thing when I need to be moving on the Rhombus projects), as well as do the first edit pass of Heliotrope first.  Still, I intend for this thing to be a work of art and will make it a very very shiny book indeed.

Secondary: Lose 20 lbs after first weighing of 2016. (7)

Ugh.  I hate this goal, but it keeps coming up.  The baseline of the weight will be determined by my doctor's appointment Feb 23rd.  I need to do it which means tracking calories.  I think Julia's fast diet is probably a good one, so we will try low calorie days twice a week and then measured days the rest with one free day a week.

Secondary: Do two "Core" Tech projects plus 6 minor projects towards "Tech Mastery" (8)

Need to do this for career reasons and its a pretty important goal in general.  Right now, two of the six units consist of HTML5 and API's.  I need a practical manifestation of each but I'm not sure which. Jail Breaking a phone is another one but that one will likely wait until March.  So I think HTML 5 by May, API by April and that least about half the year for the two online coarses.  I will iikely try to do all at the same time.  The sixth I am keeping for something fun like maybe piloting a drone or god knows what.

Tertiary: Join a local literary group or writer's circle. (9)

Research for this one is paying off.  We have found a place that does something that sounds like Naked City but a bit tamer the second Wed of every month and there is also an online Amazon group that I'll be checking out after I get the story submission process down (if it goes down)

Complete Dads (10)
Been there, done that.  So naturally the plan for this is basically down and in motion.  I've contacted Alexis and will be setting up a contract for her and shared documents this week.  Should be completed in its core by July of this year.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

[Introspection Day] Goals 1-5

Have and use a gym membership the majority of the days of 2016 (1).

Plan - Join a gym on Tuesday (literally today).  Go to the Gym 3 days a week and then walk with Julia outside of the house at least one day a week.  I will count working at home on the other days on a two for 1 ratio for 'majority purposes' which also lets me workout from anywhere as needed, though LA fitness, despite the grungy nature of our local place lets me work out from nearly anywhere, which is one of the reasons I chose it.

Complete a Short Film (2)
Things needed:
Time: September 2016
Location: Currently likely Atlanta
Script: Default is Dance of the Fausti or Making the Demon.  Script to be written after Revolution Number Eight.

The budget for this will vary between $1500-3000 which I can do as long as I keep my job and am able to have an extra pay period in July.  So far so good.

One of the three people I currently hope to work with on this is more or less a lock but another isn't returning my calls which drastically affects the scale either way.  We'll see how this works.  I'll likely start tracking this one the writing blog.  Maybe Sundays.

40 hours of research to find project 2 and join the appropriate Org (3)
I hate to double dip on goals but as I think on this, I am sorely tempted to simplify for excellence.  I'd rather do a few things well than lots of things crappily.  Having said that, I'm starting to get some ideas on this.  I could easily say I've clocked two hours on looking for this but sadly I suspect it will likely be one of those 'know it when I see it' but I do need a default if I can't find something that resonates more.  Right now I think something associated with the journalism project is best, but I don't immediately know what that is.  To have such a high priority goal be so ambiguous bothers me, but I'm not sure I have much choice.  This has to be done right, and for now that 40 hours will be devoted to brainstorming.

This is the great work of the fourth life which may be my strongest talent, so it can't be ignored.

Start the Blog (4)
This is going to be in Spanish which means the innocous duo lingo goal we have is very important.  It has to be at 100% before I start this and I also need to learn a lot of stuff about being an independent journalist.  But I at least have a plan.  I'm downloading Duo Lingo by Introspection Day and spending ten minutes a day until I get it.

This project will be somewhat secretive for reasons involving my paranoia.

Write 25000 words a month (5)

Its not happening.  A thousand words a day is nice if I am getting a lot more return for my efforts, but right now everything is literally entirely on my own fuel.  My current goal is 400 words a day though the arrangement with Kelly if that works will likely up this to 600-700.  Success at any project could easily up this of course.  Tehcnicallyi f I include blogs its more like 800 I suppose but I don't include the blog posts.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Introspection Day Prep Day 1

Feb 5 is Introspection Day, the day where I question at least one thing of my basic beliefs, but its also the day when plans for all my goals are due.  First things first, going to prioritize my goals based on a combination of doability and desirability and necesity.  A goal without a plan is just a nice to have.  That's why the plan is due by Introspection day, with specific bench marks.  Priority also helps me know what to choose when time is limited.  So basically the plan is that I'll come up with a plan for the first 15 and then just do the best I can after that for the others.  Might do a post on Friday for the rest, but the sheer number of goals forces decisions sometimes.  It's always been a struggle back and forth but I think its probably better to have a bit too much than to little.  It's all good.  I enjoy it and its the closest I have to a dogmatic focused spiritual path at this point.

Primary: Have and use a gym membership the majority of the days of 2016 (1).
Secondary: Lose 20 lbs after first weighing of 2016. (7)
Tertiary: Blood Mastery (11)

Primary: Complete a Short Film (2)
Secondary: Do two "Core" Tech projects plus 6 minor projects towards "Tech Mastery" (8)
Tertiary:  Complete at least 5 sculpture projects, each of increasing skill (12)

Primary: Be in a play or audition for at least 5
Secondary: Find a long term political organization I can join and actively support 
Tertiary: Join a local literary group or writer's circle. (9)

First Life
Complete Dads (10)

Second Life
Complete physical book for Spiders in the Sugar Factory(6)

Third Life
Be in one play or audition in five. (13)

Fourth Life
40 hours of research to find project 2 and join the appropriate Org (3)

Fifth Life
Step up the stars (*)

Sixth Life
Start the blog (4)

Write 25000 words per month (5) 
Complete Julia's Novella (20K)
Finish Spiders in the Sugar Factory (6)
Actively Keep the Blog Active (14)
Actively Keep the Podcast Active (10000)
Attend Timegate w. Sentinel Crew
Visit Paris (0)
Visit a Caribbean Island
Visit w Mom and Skip at Least Once
Find a Journalistic App
Complete Outline for Cults within Cults (15)
Complete Forever West physical book (1000)
Complete Audobook for (9999)

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Letters to Grandma

Hi Grandma,

It was nice talking to you on my Birthday.  Please thank Skip when you see him.  Wow, it has been an amazing couple of weaks.  On the negative side, my car got hit when I was in a U-Turn because she couldn't see the other side of a truck also making a turn.  No one was hurt and no one got a ticket (well she did for missing a tail light but...) I was worried they were going to declare my car a total loss, but they were able to fix it.  In fact, they were also able to fix a mark that an idiot made in a parking lot on the other side of the car.  Progressive is a great company.

Then, as if that weren't enough, the Friday before last, I went to work and bit into some candy and swallowed my filling!!!! Needless to say that was a bit disconcerting.  What was worse was finding that our dental insurance didn't cover caps/crowns less than 5 years old.  What's the point of having insurance if they don't cover stuff like that? There needs to be a law, but good luck with something like that in this country.  It took a hundred years to even start on Health Care.  So I flew out to Atlanta at the last minute.

We also got really lucky with finding a moving company to take the table Skip had given us, along with three couches that my friend Wayne had given us.  Still, it took some time to run the logisitics to make it all work.  It was an interesting experience to say the least.  The movers were good people but three of the chairs (antiques) are in pieces and we're hoping they can be fixed.  I'm still assessing the damage.  The apartment is a good size but it can't easily store things we're not using since there isn't really a "crawl space."

We got a rediculously good deal on tickets to Pairs, so we got those three months early.  So, basically things have been a it tight this month money wise with all of that, but since we both have jobs we're relatively OK.  I had some bad luck with my podcast which is a bit like a radio show but with the internet.  I just can't seem to catch a break, and sometimes getting feedback from people who seem to have otherwise strong opinions on things don't want to...I dunno...not hurt my feelings or something? But that ends up being worse than no feedback at all.

Anywho, right now we're at the beach and Julia is watching tennis on a bar television so we can hardly complain too much.  In fact, last night we went to a FANTASTIC jazz festival so we're really enjoying Miami and the jobs we both have seem to be working out so far (So far so good) so I'm not complaining.

Love you and will write later.



Thursday, January 14, 2016

Letter to Grandma

Dear Grandma,

Hope you are doing well.  Things are going well here in Miami.  We are still unpacking.  I understand that they have quarantined you again.  I am very sorry to hear that.  I hope you get better soon and that things go well.

We greatly enjoyed our visit last November.  I hope you enjoyed the book that we got you.  Miami is very interesting.  Aside from the weather, there are a lot of fanastic cultural events here.  Our jobs are going well.

We had a bit of a situation with a table that Mom and Skip gave us.  It took some figuring out but we are going to have some movers bring the table from Atlanta to Miami along with some couches that have been given by some friends of ours.  (They were at our wedding).  We hung out with them New Years Eve and it was quite fun.

We try to go to the beach at least once a week, though with the random rain that can be hard sometimes.  And the traffic! You would not believe...

I hear from Mom and Skip that they are well, though Mom needs to bite the bullet and produce her own play.  I think she will soon enough.  I have set a lot of ambitious goals this year, which should be interesting.  I'll send you a copy of my books once I've finished making them on Amazon.

Love you and will try to mail once a week.



Friday, January 1, 2016

Goals for 2016

Primary: Have and use a gym membership the majority of the days of 2016.
Secondary: Lose 20 lbs after first weighing of 2016.
Tertiary: Blood Mastery

Primary: Complete a Short Film
Secondary: Do two "Core" Tech projects plus 6 minor projects towards "Tech Mastery"
Tertiary:  Complete at least 5 sculpture projects, each of increasing skill

Primary: Be in a play or audition for at least 5
Secondary: Find a long term political organization I can join and actively support
Tertiary: Join a local literary group or writer's circle.

First Life
Complete Dads

Second Life
Complete physical book for Spiders in the Sugar Factory

Third Life
Be in one play or audition in five.

Fourth Life
40 hours of research to find project 2 and join the appropriate Org

Fifth Life
Step up the stars

Sixth Life
Start the blog

Write 25000 words per month
Complete Julia's Novella (20K)
Finish Spiders in the Sugar Factory
Actively Keep the Blog Active
Actively Keep the Podcast Active
Attend Timegate w. Sentinel Crew
Visit Paris
Visit a Caribbean Island
Visit w Mom and Skip at Least Once
Find a Journalistic App
Complete Outline for Cults within Cults
Complete Forever West physical book
Complete Audobook for

Couple Goals: (In no particular order)
1) Get to Duo Linguo 100% together in Spanish
2) Become Parents
3) Take a Dance Class together
4) Eliminate 70% of our Credit Card Debt
5) Establish Reserves at Proper levels
6) Furnish the Apartment
7) Visit Paris

Life Goals - "At some point"
1. See the Louvre.
2. Travel around the world on a one way trip. Japan, Australia, India, Egypt, London, Italy and Hawaii.
** Goal to see all by 2021. Egypt not happening due to reality hell trick TV thing..
3. Learn a martial art.
5. Assemble a band for a tour based on lyrics written by me.
Likely dependent on 7.
7. Learn a musical instrument.
Slated 2025 (After the theoretical second is in school)
8. Sculpt something memorable. 
2019.  I am starting this year to learn the skill.  It will take at LEAST three years to get this.
9. Create or help create a graphic novel.
**Completed. [And also permanently dead :( ]
10. Own a plane, sailboat, taught or ultralight and learn to pilot/sail it.
11. Write seven novels.
**6 of 7 done.
13. Go on a cruise.
14. Organize a convention on SOMETHING.
Slated 2018
16. Build a house (not necessarily my own.) 
17. Own my own home (all own, no mortgage) Bumped to 2026.
18. Have a room with a secret passage
23. Be in a flash mob dance number.
Do in 2017-2018
26. Identify and Create Life Goal for Live 5
27. Ditto the sixth.
Tangible goal based on investigations due by end of 2017.
28. Ditto the seventh.
**Kept in reserve until 2027.
47. Finish 7 films. (3 out of 7 completed).
48. Enter a remote controlled airplane/aircraft tournament and place in the upper half.
49. Enter a competitive Kite contest (the kind with the razors on the wings.)
50. Blow something up with Dynamite. (Legally)
52. Hypnotize someone.
Completed 2013.
53. Firewalk.
54. Visit the Library of Congress Maybe 2015?
55. Complete 7 Projects of Significance. [1 of 7 done.]
1. Finding Joe screening.
56. Complete 7 Levels of Understanding.
1. Remember the
2. Frieeeend??
3. In Progress

Longshots (at the time I made the bucket list)
29. Marry the Right Person.
30. Establish a business empire dedicated to a not for profit foundation.
31. Visit (but do not live in) Space.
32. Buy my own island.
35. Create a functional and profitable news network that actually produces what is independent.
36. Create an institution to focus on pure research.
38. "" Neurological regeneration.
39. Paid Angel agents to quietly and anonymously do good.
40. Create a series of libraries (10) dedicate to principles original to libraries. Secular sanctuaries and temples to knowledge.
43. Breed dogs to live twice as long
44. Create 3 patents.
46. Become a Father.
Slated 2016-2017. 

Bucket List (the Bucket in the Bucket….IE, I no longer care about this but might change my mind.)
4. Competitively enter a fencing competition.
6. Start a successful business. 
Started in 2011. "Success" is determined in this case by an operating profit of 400% invested capital or $10000. 2011-2015. Otherwise 'failure' and goal removed from dock.
Not looking good on this one...
51. Join the Masons
45. Own and that is entirely self-sufficient w. energy, food and other items.  (wtf is this?)