I had an artist friend make this for me of my character Pericuolo Narr
Named Pryzal on discord, very talented
The family blog. The record of our ups, our downs, our triumphs and our defeats.
I had an artist friend make this for me of my character Pericuolo Narr
Named Pryzal on discord, very talented
"Tom and Julia have had a wonderful year living in the historic town of Salem, Massachusetts. Tom continues his work as a Product Owner, thriving in his role as he balances the fast-paced tech world with his passion for storytelling. This year, he completed his second fiction novel, drawing inspiration from Salem’s rich history and the colorful New England landscape. Meanwhile, Julia is thoroughly enjoying her position as a librarian with the Massachusetts Historical Society. She has spent much of her time curating fascinating exhibits and exploring the archives, helping to preserve and share the region’s storied past.
Their dog, Sacha, remains the heart of their cozy home. Whether strolling along Salem’s charming streets, visiting local parks, or simply relaxing by the fireplace, Sacha keeps them grounded and brings them endless joy. Together, Tom, Julia, and Sacha have embraced the unique charm of life in Salem, finding magic in its traditions and the everyday moments that make this time of year so special."
You have a sister who is caring for your ailing father. She and her spouse are DezNat, and you do not wish to communicate directly with them. You need a two-paragraph family Christmas letter about Tom and Julia, who live in Salem, MA, in 2024. Tom is a Product Owner and a fiction writer, Julia is a librarian for the Massachusetts Historical Society, and they have a dog named Sacha
I am grateful for the good memories of my family during the good times
I am grateful for the lessons of fiscal responsibility, goal setting and how to start and finish a project from my father
I am grateful for the unconditional love, relentless belief in my dreams, example in being a decent human being and how to be a loving parent from my mother
I am grateful for the example of how to be a good husband, how to do a job right, how to research something properly, and how to care for someone you love from my stepfather
I am grateful that every time I smile (when I smile) I have a whole tooth from my step mother and I have never and will never forget it; for it is among the things of which I am most grateful after having spent my formative years never smiling with a gap in my tooth; it is why I give her a gift every year for her birthday
I am grateful for my best and longest and truest friend, for the smartest person I know, the single holiest and most honorable member of his faith and the best father that I have ever met or know in my brother
I am grateful for my sister who reached out to reunite us after years apart, who has grown wise in her years, whose relentless service to those under her protection shows what a caregiver truly is and who is a sterling and remarkable mother
I am grateful that I have a passionate for justice, erudite and intelligently well read brother who for some reason I can't fathom actually likes my podcast, but I'm grateful to have SOMEONE actually listen to the damn thing
I am grateful to have a kind, wise (yes actually wise for she is the one), loyal sister and mother who is well read, and a servant to those who need her most, the most excellent example of Servant Leadership I have ever encountered
I am grateful to have a sister who is caring for my ailing father...and who teaches me to always hold out hope for change
I am grateful for a brother who seems on the surface to be just the surface, but who consistently proves expectations wrong with his cunning, his intelligence, and the absolute adoration from his children and family that is unmatched in anyone I know. Were I a father, I would take lessons from them.
I am grateful that my siblings have excellent spouses (4 out of 5 isn't too bad), and I am grateful that I learned the word Quotidian from a Nazi.
This is too long for Non mormon childless Cat People. Needs to be shorter.
Tom and Julia started out the year in Springfield, MA. They visited several attractions there including the Springfield Arsenal which was commissioned by Washington in the Revolutionary War and the Dr. Suess Museum. They enjoyed eating at a local German restaurant that was very authentic looking.
Julia got a job with the Massachusetts Historical Society and was very much looking forward to it. Tom and Julia took an hour commute back and forth driving there even though it was very hard to ensure that she could get it; and sold their house at a loss. Fringe benefit, Tom didn't have to mow the lawn any more (the Grass is mean!). Salem had many wonderful restaurants of all kinds and descriptions that they loved to eat at and many grocery stores that they could also cook meals together and eat.
We all got covid because religious inlaws not the immediate inlaws I won't name went on a cruise and didn't wear masks. Fortunately we were vaccinated. I mean only fucking idiots like nazis dont like vaccines right? Only fucking idiots like Nazis would hire a worm brained anti vexer murderer to be in charge of the CDC lolol.
Once they had moved to Salem, Julia's family visited. They had a nice visit to the USS Constitution. They ate at a downtown restaurant in Boston that served fancy hot dogs and baked beans, an oyster bar (Tom had to work that day), and a lovely fish restaurant with a view of the sea. Unfortunately, the whole family got sick from Covid but they got better
Tom and Julia are considering the fantastic restaurant opportunities in Switzerland where they can eat all of the Strudel and Weinersnitzels and Chocolate and Pretzels that they could want to eat, just like the German Restaurant in Springfield. Isn't like funny sometimes how it works in a full circle?
Tom wrote things but none of it was really about food. What a wasted opportunity.
Tom and Julia were alive in 2024. They breathed, ate and drank. They are still not dead.
Actual likely edit for final result: Tom and Julia were not able to send a letter this year but are doing well and send their love.
Do we really need to discuss Poopy Politics? Can't we all get along and just say the things that make us all have the most joy? Why not celebrate as a family instead of grouse about having to waste your entire remaining prosperity to run from psychopathic nazis that will report you to the secret police? We're all one big family and its not like we all had factions that came together and ignored me for years or said that I'm a bad person or spread rumors among the family that I was dangerous and spoke to a lawyer about whether or not they could takeout a restraining order on me or something. Its not like I have REASON to believe that my father when I have just lost my teeth on a trip to Idaho and was in blinding pain because he couldn't be bothered to take me to a decent dentist had all the kids sing "We Hate Tommy" in the car that has haunted my mind every day for years contributing to a desire to kill myself before I met my wife or something.
And even if I was 8, everyone else is young, its not like they could remember it or something
The thing is, the inability to apologize, to be a generic Christian and say you are sorry is one of the things that makes these problems linger and fester. When I say I'm sorry, I mean it until blind family loyalty puts my beloved at risk by being loyal to A FUCKING NAZI. Let's plan the family reunion with A FUCKING NAZI. Let's go one more time to say goodbye to my ailing dying father who is being cared for by.A FOAM FROTHING YELLS AT SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS STEALS ELECTION FUCKING NAZI WHO SPIES ON MY BLOGS AND SPREADS THE ONES THAT CRITICIZE THE CHURCH TO THE REST OF MY SUPPOSEDLY LOVING AND LOYAL FAMILY
Lets take this from the top
Tom and Julia spent another pointless year as heretics who would be better off setting themselves on fire due to being liberal non LDS heretics. They lived in a house and at least weren't welfare moochers off the state and stealing our taxes. They visited the Armory in Springfield where Washington commissioned weapons against the fascist liberal British Invading America that just wanted to be Free unlike what the Liberal Babykillers wanted.
Tom and Julia started out the year in Springfield, MA. They visited several attractions there including the Springfield Arsenal which was commissioned by Washington in the Revolutionary War and the Dr. Suess Museum. They enjoyed eating at a local German restaurant that was very authentic looking.
Julia got a yucky education job at the heretical Massachusetts Historical Society that teaches subversive counterfactual narration of history by not compounding to Leader Trump and the Heritage Foundation's Factual Narrative of History. The disgusting socialist public transportation for the disgusting socialist liberal state of Massachusetts took four hours one way (typical liberal planning) so they had to drive back and forth each way and worked together. They made their pointless non liberal lives slightly less pointless by selling they their house moving to Salem Mass
Julia got a job with the Massachusetts Historical Society and was very much looking forward to it. Tom and Julia took an hour commute back and forth driving there even though it was very hard to ensure that she could get it; and sold their house at a loss. Fringe benefit, Tom didn't have to mow the lawn any more (the Grass is mean!). Salem had many wonderful restaurants of all kinds and descriptions that they loved to eat at and many grocery stores that they could also cook meals together and eat.
In July, her non mormon family visited and they went to the USS Constitution, which bravely defended the Holy United States against the Pig Dog Imperialist Capitalist Liberal Pinko Commie British that got better under Boris Johnson but then vomitously elected the highly liberal Kier Starter. They got sick from Covid due to virtuous religious inlaws that they didn't mention the name of but likely really got sick because they injected themselves from the Big Pharma sicko mutation gene making their blood impure by becoming vaccinated. They look forward to being purged int he camps under leader Trump. They will be cured by glorious ally RFK Jr who God Made Smarter by sending a Smart Worm to Infect his Brain.
We all got covid because religious inlaws not the immediate inlaws I won't name went on a cruise and didn't wear masks. Fortunately we were vaccinated. I mean only fucking idiots like nazis dont like vaccines right? Only fucking idiots like Nazis would hire a worm brained anti vexer murderer to be in charge of the CDC lolol.
Once they had moved to Salem, Julia's family visited. They had a nice visit to the USS Constitution. They ate at a downtown restaurant in Boston that served fancy hot dogs and baked beans, an oyster bar (Tom had to work that day), and a lovely fish restaurant with a view of the sea. Unfortunately, the whole family got sick from Covid but they got better
Their food tasted like unto ash for not having Christ sufficiently in their lives. Every day, they sinfully considered hurling themselves off tall buildings to end their pointless miserable lives but couldn't even get that right. Even their cat judged them judgtngly.
Like the liberal communist cowards they are, they are running from America just when it is set alight by the glorious beacon of freedom and Liberty by leader Trump. But worry not, for the light of Leadership and Conservatism is being spread nation by nation like unto prophesy and the start of the millinium under the leadership of the LDS church and Leader Trump as God's agent on Earth will make a 1000 year reign of peace under God and God's Dog Sparky.
Tom and Julia are considering the fantastic restaurant opportunities in Switzerland where they can eat all of the Strudel and Weinersnitzels and Chocolate and Pretzels that they could want to eat, just like the German Restaurant in Springfield. Isn't like funny sometimes how it works in a full circle?
Oh and I did a lot of Quotidian writing that my brother in law looks forward to electronically pooping on with succulent and enlightenintly funny reviews.
Tom wrote things but none of it was really about food. What a wasted opportunity.
Update: adding the word LDS to see if the ants swarm
The problem with sending a letter to a Nazi, is that a Nazi is going to edit it. So let's write it from a perspective of what will be sent.
"This year was very challenging for Tom and Julia but they rose to that Challenge. It started with a visit to the fascinating Springfield Armory where the revolutionary war general George Washington commissioned a gun manufactory to kill Imperial British and German Hessian Capitalist Mercenaries for trying to murder people who just wanted their lives. Then we visited the Dr. Suess Museum and saw the anti nazi propaganda cartoons he drew that made fun of stupid nazis and Hitler. Seeing these cartoons, you have to wonder why Christian Nationalists (who used a fake name for National Socialists since Socialism was Popular Like Charlie Chaplin whose Mustache Hitler Stole) would ever be dumb enough to follow a failed truck drive just like a failed artist. Of course as a struggling creative myself I understand, but I guess the difference between me and Hitler is I never sat around letting other people work for me. I've always provided for my family just like my now struggling father.
Tom and Julia spent another pointless year as heretics who would be better off setting themselves on fire due to being liberal non LDS heretics. They lived in a house and at least weren't welfare moochers off the state and stealing our taxes. They visited the Armory in Springfield where Washington commissioned weapons against the fascist liberal British Invading America that just wanted to be Free unlike what the Liberal Babykillers wanted.
Julia got an awesomezors job at The Massachusetts Historical Society, and we had to drive an hour back and forth to Boston from halfway across the state. You'd think that the most liberal state in the country would have trains that run on time, but they dont. It takes four HOURS to get from Springfield to Boston so we had to drive. But we made it work and for over 5 MONTHS we got her to work. In May we finally sold our house and got an Apartment in Salem, and she was having the time of her life in her new job making a lot of friends and advancing her career.
Julia got a yucky education job at the heretical Massachusetts Historical Society that teaches subversive counterfactual narration of history by not compounding to Leader Trump and the Heritage Foundation's Factual Narrative of History. The disgusting socialist public transportation for the disgusting socialist liberal state of Massachusetts took four hours one way (typical liberal planning) so they had to drive back and forth each way and worked together. They made their pointless non liberal lives slightly less pointless by selling they their house moving to Salem Mass.
In July, her family visited and we visited the USS Constitution where they shot and killed a bunch of bunch of murder British who thought that Monarchy was a better form of government than democracy. They lost and died. A lot. Especially since the French helped them a lot. You know France? The liberal country nazis hated? France got curb stomped by nazis because they surrendered but America helped them out. Why would anyone surrender to Nazis instead of just murder them since Nazis wanna murder everyone who isn't a nazi? I don't know. We now live in a world where all public dialog is controlled by capitalist companies who pretend civility but actually enslave the worker and so we have to pretend civility in order to be able to be represented in the public dialog. So of course Murdering Nazis isn't required anymore, this is the 21tst century and we have a well functioning government that can't break.
In July, her non mormon family visited and they went to the USS Constitution, which bravely defended the Holy United States against the Pig Dog Imperialist Capitalist Liberal Pinko Commie British that got better under Boris Johnson but then vomitously elected the highly liberal Kier Starter. They got sick from Covid due to virtuous religious inlaws that they didn't mention the name of but likely really got sick because they injected themselves from the Big Pharma sicko mutation gene making their blood impure by becoming vaccinated. They look forward to being purged int he camps under leader Trump. They will be cured by glorious ally RFK Jr who God Made Smarter by sending a Smart Worm to Infect his Brain.
We all got covid because religious inlaws not the immediate inlaws I won't name went on a cruise and didn't wear masks. Fortunately we were vaccinated. I mean only fucking idiots like nazis dont like vaccines right? Only fucking idiots like Nazis would hire a worm brained anti vexer murderer to be in charge of the CDC lolol.
Anywho we also toured many places in Salem, like the Witch House where they murdered a woman on the accusations of a demented little girl and hanged women who talked too much. Puritants were very much a Your Body My Choice kind of group of people. We also saw the Museum of Torture where they showed us how the Inquisition and Nazis in Concentration Camps hired sociopaths to torture people for the state just because of how they were born. That's definitely a thing Nazis like to do.
How sad.
Then we ate a really nice meal (insert 4000 pages on all the things we ate here with more snarky veiled comments about family members I dont like (Love ya Grandma, you actually were pretty cool even though your soul clearly curdled under my really sick Grandpa) )
Their food tasted like unto ash for not having Christ sufficiently in their lives. Every day, they sinfully considered hurling themselves off tall buildings to end their pointless miserable lives but couldn't even get that right. Even their cat judged them judgtngly.
Sadly, this year was a real success story and then I informed my wife that Librarians would not be safe under Nazis in the new regime. And so after much discussion, she is going to lose the job that we BOTH worked our asses off for, sold our first house for, because you can't be a special collections meta data specialist for a physical fucking archive remotely. You Kinna need to be there for that. So Switzerland is Calling.
Like the liberal communist cowards they are, they are running from America just when it is set alight by the glorious beacon of freedom and Liberty by leader Trump. But worry not, for the light of Leadership and Conservatism is being spread nation by nation like unto prophesy and the start of the millinium under the leadership of the LDS church and Leader Trump as God's agent on Earth will make a 1000 year reign of peace under God and God's Dog Sparky.
Oh and I did a lot of writing. But you can check out my writing blog for that.