Monday, December 31, 2018

Our Year

It has been a good and terrible year.

Both Julia and I ended up losing out jobs.  This has led to an unfortunate situation where we may be temporarily separated while I look for a temporary contract to pay the bills in Sunnyvale while Julia finishes her internship but let's focus on the positives for this year and it is quite a year of positives.

*Julia might no longer be at St Thomas, but she is NO LONGER under the thumb of Larry Treadmill the IV and Jessica who were emotionally abusive filth.
*Julia was accepted into the Digital Museum Certificate program for John Hopkins university and will be interning for a few months at the absolutely fantastic Wolfsonian Museum
*I have a new direction career wise and a specific plan on how to get there that will forever break the cycle of bullshit I have been dealing with in the job sector I have been in.
*We had a fantastic trip to New York City and got to do a lot there.
*We are ending the year with a lovely trip to Sunnyvale where so far we have ben able to visit China Town, a fantastic Corset Store and the Monteray Aquarium.
*I made some absolutely epic podcast episodes.
*We had lovely weekend trips to Atlanta and Del Ray beach where we met new friends.
*We took a fantastic week long trip to New Orleans where Julia was able to go to ALA and we also went to the amazingly appropriate WWII museum
*We finally got to do a lot of the museums in Miami we had been hoping to go to including the Wolfsonian.
*We love each other even more than before and have completed all of our goals as a couple.
*We have both made new friends both individually (my LARP and Julia through work) but as a couple.

Negatives this year include
The loss of Sebastian, the best dog in the world
The rapid decline and near death of my Grandmother Lockey Lawson
Anything and everything involving politics or, god forbid international politics.

2019 looks to be a year filled with hope and fantastic opportunity.  A year to apply lessons learned and 'the best way to go is up'.  There will be challenges, but 2018 helped us both get tools and perspectives to help us meet those challenges.

A Year of Finding Out Who I am

TLDR For those who are mainly here to find out how I did

1. Complete Book of Heliotropic which means Fruitloop (10K written) and 12 stories for this project.
-F as written.
-C- for the revised goal of completing the 5th novel since I wrote a total of 20K words for the year and wrote 10K for the sequel to Forever West.

2. Be fit.
-C+ - I have learned and implemented a weight lifting regime I can do anywhere and exercized lightweight walking twice a week nearly every week.  I have eaten a bit better and taken my meds very consistently.  I can do a lot better.

3. Spend 100 hours learning to draw.

-C- 30+ hours of drawing.  I got the tools for the job and used them, more at the beginning of the year and made a slow but steady improvement.  There is a lot to do here, but I did work toward the goal and have no intent of giving it up.

Broadly speaking, this year was a solid C based purely on the simplified goals.  Because I was trying to pare things down, I didn't have bonus goals to make up the grade, but while I am keeping the letter grade for sheer consistency, I am changing the entire method I implement these goals; and that's a good thing.

Personally, present self considers this year a B+ nevertheless for a lot of reasons.

The most significant thing that happened this year was a major family fight in which I was in the wrong exposing previous family wrongs.  I learned a lot of valueable lessons from that fight including
*Who is on my side
*People simply do not need to hear truths that they do not want to hear
*There is a lot of value to be had from relationships that are something that is not friendship, aquaintance or that I can put any emotional trust in.
*You can get past a fight without needing to make an apology or receive one.  To quote a wise brother, "just move on."

The result of this fight was, among other things, no longer feeling obliged to not attack the LDS church.  This caused me to make 8 episodes to which you can find the link here.  ( That link uses two sites that might not stand the test of time, pastebin and tinyurl but it seemed a good way to aggregate the data.

There were permanent consequences for this, not just lessons learned.  I was called a threat to children by my brother in law and threatened with a lawsuit.  As a result of it, I can't go to family reunions and there is a standing agreement with my eldest sister for mutual nonconsent.  I was in the wrong about airing my grievances to my sisters (especially in HOW I did it) but the escalation violated not only the basic standards of human decency but also the basic standards of Christianity and the LDS church.  I learned a lot about humanity and also learned a lot about myself.

I've learned that there really is no point with trying to reconcile political impossibilities with those who refuse to see reality for what it is.  The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can try and find solutions, difficult to nigh impossible as they might be, the sooner we can work towards the solutions that will actually work but that do not require depending on people who will never ever accept responsibility or the truth for anything.

I learned that kindness is impossible when clouded by anger and it is the meat by which we lead decent lives.  In one of my novels, my 'author avatar character' is actually divided into 3 (the 6th novel in case you cared) Mr. Right, Mr. Kind and Mr Necessary, and in writing it I realized the flaws of having one without the other, but long had (At that time) written off being "Mr Right" with all the real and untrue hubris that implied, while never truly wanting to be Mr Necessary and feeling that while I had been Mr. Kind, that this was simply no longer possible.

I now know that not only can I be all three of these 'people' but it is absolutely vital for me to be who I am.  Mixing all three into one person requires that I am kind but honest.  It means that while I am honest and confront evil without hesitancy, it also means that I am under no obligation to be kind to those who would take my attempts at kindness and throw it in my face.  Telling people truths they do not want to hear isnt bearing witness and it isn't kindness, it is just asking for trouble, and smart people-ie people like Mr Necessary, don't give up informatoin that they dont need to because knowledge is power.  Kindness is generosity, so anyone who WANTS advice, who wants my opinion or my council is welcome to it.  Mankind is and should be my business.  The 'its a wonderful life' and 'christmas carol' standard does apply and I've applied it to myself to the best of my ability in one form or another for as long as I have lived.

What does this mean for 2019?  I have about half or a third, depending on the luck of health and longevity, of a third of my life left.  By being kind and active, I can have great happiness, and by applying the lessons learned this year I will never again emotionally invest in a human being who isnt worthy of my time without at the same time becoming an isolated bitter tower.  Mankind should and will be my business and I intend to go about the world, to bear witness to the evil in it and work to make it a better place, but to be as close to the old self I was, Mr. Kind, the now done present self of seeing the truth for what it is, Mr Right, but the doer of deeds who uses knowledge in the most efficient means possible to get things done.  It is time I became Mr Necessary, but the Mr Necessary at the end of Heir of Sunfire who has the wise council of Mr Right and Mr Kind to know WHEN and HOW those actions should take place.

In short, for the first time since I changed the name of this blog to "Shards of a Broken Soul" to "Shards of a United Soul" I can say that those shards, now united, are also now healed and working together.

It is going to be a good year no matter what hand fate deals.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Being Wrong

The problem with never admitting you are wrong is that you can never be right. You can only be right when you KNOW right from wrong. When you are so far down your rabbit hole you believe everything you tell yourself no one can reach you but you. And you don't even know your self anymore.

I am often and have been wrong many times. I say I am right so often and I only learned to do that by being wrong. A lot. But then I admit that and move on.

Those who can't be wrong?

They are stuck. Like fucking ghosts in their own meat carcass. Haunting the shell of what could have been.

And no one can say I didn't try to wake them from their living hell. I tried.

Being right does not (by itself) make you rich. It does not (by itself) make you powerful. It definitely doesn't make you liked or listened to.

But it does let you look at yourself in the mirror. Pretty damn comfortably.

Not bad for a Lurch.

Friday, January 5, 2018

New Goals

1. Complete Book of Heliotropic which means Fruitloop (10K written) and 12 stories for this project.

2. Be fit. 

3. Spend 100 hours learning to draw.

I'm keeping this very simple this year. 

A Year of Failure

So.  Let's get this over with.

1. Be More Kind. [4 Agreements, Formalize Kindness] - A-.  While not perfect I have been a lot more kind this year.
2. Exercize regularly 5 times a week.  C-.  The effort on this was legitimate....the execution less so.
3. Complete Fruitloop and Frankenstein.  F.  Unemployement.
4. Complete Kilroy's story.  Fail.  On the other hand I no longer care.

Wow my goals were a lot less ambitious than I remembered.
Bonus Goals
Complete T7 and get it to market. Fail.  But not my fault on this one.  This is truly cursed.
Complete Forever West and create Physical Book. A+.  Done!
Complete documentary.   Fail.
Write 12 stories. 2. Fail.

So....lots of Fail.
