Friday, January 13, 2023

Microbucket List 2022-2023


  1. Visit Alaska

  2. Visit Maine

  3. Go to the Fourth Quarter Festival or Vampire Ball in New Orleans

  4. Go to Dragoncon

  5. Go to Gencon or Origins

  6. Go to Strangecon

  7. Go to Yellowstone and stay at the big hotel there

  8. Visit all family members at least once

  9. Go to Montreal

  10. Visit the Grand Canyon

  11. Go to the National Storyteller’s Convention

  12. Go to the fancy Salem halloween ball

  13. Go to Alchemy (or a Burning Man Shard)

  14. New Years in HA

  15. New Years in Times Square OR the Keys

  16. Visit Chicago

  17. Visit Valley Forge Park in PA

  18. South by Southwest

  19. Charmed or Fro Con

  20. Whale Watching Tour

Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 Goals


1. Complete first pass of film The Sins of Silicon Valley

2. Get to 250 and stay there.

3. Draw the pictures for Timmy and the Whale

4. Create the Microbucket List for 750 days by Introspection Day

5. Define missions for 6th live and start at least one


1. Achieve Crow in Yoga

2. Achieve Wheelbarrow in Yoga

3. Continue Library Juice Classes

4. Remember to Practice Self Care


1. Go to Europe

2. Take Dance Lessons

3. Do Edwardian Ball

4. Go to Montreal

5. Resume F/K activities


1: Complete minor powers, side effects and major in ludicrous

2: Finish first draft of Army and GMZ N2 first draft

4: Find a project

5: 2 Knights and 2 Pieces


The Queen in Blue

Master Teacher

3 Cons in Prep of later circuit

5 Therapy sessions


2 MC tales

Songs of the Islands

Maine or Alaska