Friday, January 5, 2018

New Goals

1. Complete Book of Heliotropic which means Fruitloop (10K written) and 12 stories for this project.

2. Be fit. 

3. Spend 100 hours learning to draw.

I'm keeping this very simple this year. 

A Year of Failure

So.  Let's get this over with.

1. Be More Kind. [4 Agreements, Formalize Kindness] - A-.  While not perfect I have been a lot more kind this year.
2. Exercize regularly 5 times a week.  C-.  The effort on this was legitimate....the execution less so.
3. Complete Fruitloop and Frankenstein.  F.  Unemployement.
4. Complete Kilroy's story.  Fail.  On the other hand I no longer care.

Wow my goals were a lot less ambitious than I remembered.
Bonus Goals
Complete T7 and get it to market. Fail.  But not my fault on this one.  This is truly cursed.
Complete Forever West and create Physical Book. A+.  Done!
Complete documentary.   Fail.
Write 12 stories. 2. Fail.

So....lots of Fail.
