Mid Year Goal Check
[Goals] 2015
**Metagoal Completed-Pass
Goal of the Year
Write and complete 50000 words in NANOWRMO-Still on track but after trying a trial run with TGAW, I rather doubt the QUALITY of these words but I will do the quantity.
Goal of the Year
Write and complete 50000 words in NANOWRMO-Still on track but after trying a trial run with TGAW, I rather doubt the QUALITY of these words but I will do the quantity.
**Completed. A+ because compared to my first attempt, anything would be. It is unknown if it can be polished into something usable though.
Mitigating Circumstances: Move,+2 Unemployment windows will make "F" harder though A and B are still curved to non losers.
Primary Goals
1. Write one story a week til Nov. After edit, submit at least one in four for publication five times.
*C-. 3.5 stories is normally an F but I have got a process down and this year laid the foundation to finally begin really producing these on a regular basis. In theory.
2. Get 35 points towards Scrum Professional.-On track-Have earned 14.
Primary Goals
1. Write one story a week til Nov. After edit, submit at least one in four for publication five times.
*C-. 3.5 stories is normally an F but I have got a process down and this year laid the foundation to finally begin really producing these on a regular basis. In theory.
2. Get 35 points towards Scrum Professional.-On track-Have earned 14.
C+. I only got the 14 but that CSPO training helped get me my current job. It is looking doubtful that I will get my CSP in time but we'll see.
3. Get Perm Job in Starter City.-Have a contract that lets me work remotely. Perm could happen.
A+. Did not expect to make this one, but did.
4. Do 6 courses in self taught CS degree.-1 Done. Hope to add Scribus and SQL before Don.
I ended up doing only one of the core CS degree, they are hard. I did do Scribus and SQL and both paid off immensely. I did not do the elective on jailbreaking a cell phone. I did do the Mod Elective.
On the aggregate I am learning to do things I could not and feel my abilities increasing. I am not giving up on this but like all learning with me, the curve is steeper than I thought.
5. Create print books for at least 3 books.-1 on the way, another in progress, a third being slowly edited.
B-. 1 of three was huge plus lack of desk top and theft of lap top are big factors. But I know how to do it now and will likely do 2-3 in 2016 which are just bonus goals.
6. Keep physically fit. Increase Run time to 10 minutes. 100 push ups. 50% plus bench.-Way behind on this. Will increase.
1. Get three clients for RAC. Have one be near or almost near successful.-This is officially dead.
F/C+. This year F. C+ on the whole idea. It was a noble attempt, and I learned from it.
2. Do another Not for Children's Book.-Completed..ish. The artist I commissioned is in hell but I did everything I could.
N/A. See above. May do this in 2016 as a whim.
3. Pay no more than $10 in the political rant jar.-So far so great :D
A-. I did one just because I could.
4. Do one Khan not related to CS.-WTF? I have no idea what this is. Oh wait...not yet. Academy. Khan, Academy.
5. Finish Exodus in I, Ashera.-Dropped.
Yeah. I think this is a poem to be written by a woman. In fact, I might know just the person to write it. I can do female centric characters and even poems, but THIS particular character and the viewpoint series almost have shards of myself in them, and while in touch with my feminine side, I'm not ...THAT...in touch.
6. Complete the Arrow.-Done.
Bonus Goals: Compile list of 12 by Introspection Day.-Done.
1) Read a book on Chinese history -50% done.
2) snail mail 100 letters-7 of 100 done.
14 out of 100. Meh.
3) fix the code on human ignorance virus-Not this year.
See above.
4) type in the Irish poetry book for project Gutenberg-Doneish. Dropped.
This guy was always a religious fruitloop and Gutenberg wanted digitized pages so I decided this little cosmic bowling wall wasn't worth it.
5) learn to speak w a Cajun accent-Self practice, nothing formal.
F and A. F in that my accent is horrible. A in that the reason I wanted to do it has been acomplished by nother method.
6) write 3 scripts (weekends)-Kinda started?
Only 1 completed but the idea for #2 that I hope to start today is KICKASS. :D And #3 is pretty damn good too. Writing new scripts in my writing blog and its even more popular than my podcast so will keep this up.
7) Visit 4 cons-0 so far. Dcon lined up.
Went to 1.
A because the dragoncon I went to was as awesome as any 10 thanks to Wayne, Julia and Helen.
8) join a face to face gaming group-Waiting to move.
Moved. Didn't. F.
Considering not doing so at all though now...
9) run a 20th anniversary mage virtual game-In the works
Where the ?@#@#$@#$@ is my physical book? I have the pdf and am I supposed to print on demand? I am unclear but annoyed.
"Pulled due to annoyance"
10) do a 48 hour film festival film-Doneish. Did the effort but dropped due to INSANE waiver.
Yeah...what I said above.
11) Finish all payments on the earring-Done!
A+. The + because she loves it.
12) Obtain a mike and set up a dedicated vo rig.-Mike obtained. Need a headbox and preamp.
A+, because while my equipment isn't perfect...to misquote a movie "hohoho motherfuckers, now I have a Grayson..."
Julia Goals
1. Be nicer to myself.-A
2. Graduate w. 3.8 GPA.-A++.
3. Get a perm job I want.-A+++.
4. Continue w Food Journal 80% of time. B-.
5. Got to at least one, ideally both conferences.-A.
6. Get a little help from my friends.-B+/A-.
7. Continue improving relationship w Tom and communicate more.-A.
By ANY measure this year has been an A+++ for Julia.
Couples Goals
1. Move to Miami successfully.-Done.
2. Go to Europe-March 2016.
3. Go to Miami on scout trip.-Done.
4. Have 4 trips. (Currently likely Biltmore, Spiletto, San Fran and Key West)-Done.
5. Communicate. 11 out of 12 months. Good.
Despite the cost of thousands on the credit card to accomplish it (Florida unemployment sucks), we are in Miami. We are in the process of moving the cat. We both have awesome permanent jobs and a permanent place. Nothing is finished. Nothing is perfect, but given where we started the year, what more could one ask and not be a Veronica from Willy Wonka?