Monday, February 25, 2013

Anarchcon 2013

This last weekend was very busy and very fun.  Friday and Saturday night Julia and I went to Anarchrocon, which is a local celebration of the past and all things Steampunk.  We got Julia a corset and she seems to like it a lot...except for the slight problem with you know...breathing.  However after talking with my friend Ace it seems there are some tricks to wearing one, so it might not have been a waste of money after all.  More importantly, we finally found Julia a 'tiny hat' which I have been looking for her for the better part of a year.  She likes the one we finally found.  It is bright red with little red wire things on it.  Hopefully we can put up a picture of it on facebook at some point in the immediate future.  We got to see some awesome music and concerts, though the best was by an artist named Edwina who is only 16 but sounds like she has a lifetime worth of pain and skill in her voice.  That girl is going places, but she was performing in the front hall and no one could hear her unless paying attention.  She was also pointed out to us by Ace.  One of the more interesting panels involved Dracula which was in part moderated by Anya.  Anya also took a look at Billy's First Bolt Gun and offered some excellent advice on tweaking the ending...but it looks to see the light of day some time in the near future.  The Costumes, as always, were awesome.  Since Anachrocon was our second date, I think Julia and I agree that it has largely become 'our' con. :D

Wedding preparations are going well.  We have officially set the date on July 20th, and formal documentation should be sent shortly.  Honeymoon plans are in the islands of the West and should be quite awesome.  We're greatly looking forward to it. :D  My projects are going well, but nothing earth shattering.  Julia has now obtained the dress, though she has thus far resisted all the good natured efforts I've made to trick her into letting me see it. 

Earlier in the month we went to Dracula the Ballet.  It was gorgeous! I am only a nominal ballet fan, but I will readily acknowledge talent when I see it, and they had it in spaces.  We both had a great time and I'm glad we got the season tickets to the ballet.  We got a very good deal on it, and a few monthly payments last fall are reaping their dividends now.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Return To The Booth Museum

I last went here when I was desperately seeking distraction and an attempt to find inspiration of some kind, and completely got it in the form of a gift wrapped bundle of awesomeness that is the current format for my fifth novel Forever West. So when I rather ...ditzily...forgot to get the hotel rooms in advance for Miami and they were going to cost us something like $700 for the entire weekend trip we took, we had to cancel, but I had promised Julia a weekend trip. So I remembered that we had talked about going to the Booth museum for quite some time. Julia had been before, but not for 8 years.

We got a room for a very cheap price at a nice little 'microtel' not more than 10 minutes from the Booth museum. It was very new, and immaculate but it reminded us a bit of a dorm room. We spent some of that weekend doing homework (Julia) and working on the Fulton County Arts grant for Mythic (Myself). However we also went to the Booth Museum. It is a world class museum and both of have seen some rather impressive ones. The art was fantastic and it was definitely excellent creative fuel for the second half of the novel that I'm starting again in March. In addition to the traditional western art that you might expect, they also had modern art and an extensive collection of art from the 'mythic' west including posters from a number of movies. The sculptures were easily one of the most impressive elements.

Later that night, we found out some friends of ours not only worked in Cartersville, but lived there too. Holly and Adam were sick but Terrence took us out to a lovely dinner at the Appalacean Grill. It was a fascinating conversation and many topics were covered including dating, politics, economics, entertainment and literature. We had to skip the Telles Museum because we stayed up late watching the last two episodes of Homeland Season 1 (which is fantastic.)

On the way back we picked up a bottle of wine for Julia's family's super bowl party. It was called "Sebastini" and therefore we had to get it. (Julia's dog is called Sebastian.) I also picked up a pair of sunglasses and acted like a warped combination of Rebel Without A Clue and Wolfman Jack. I left the tags on and kept talking about how all the cool kids wore sunglasses like that. Julia put up with this for about 20 minutes and then patiently took glasses off, and without a word, removed the tag. After laughing for 3 minutes solid, I smiled put the glasses in the glove compartment and we resumed our trip.

Good trip :D